About Me

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I absolutely love wolves and writing is my life, i am currently learning the guitar and have written my first novel.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Magical Scenery

I died on thursday! woohoo! X3

Ok I'm back. So let me up date you on everything that has happened in the last couple of days.On thursday, i was walking with the two people i like to hang out with most, and then i ended up being a clutz and falling of my bike. X| yep, i died. But dont worry, i was so annoying they sent me back down and now i am happy to say i am alive again. WOOHOO! X3. well, i walked home the rest of the way with my two buds, who were constantly helping me! :D yay. but the un-happieness wasnt over, when i got home and they left i ended up going to the hospital... for like, oh i dont know...8 HOURS!!! so yeah, i spraned my ankle, nothing big, and left in sucky crutches. :C Then the next day, which was friday for the mentaly stupid, XD, i stayed home from school and was a sucky bed rat. :C boohoo for me, anyway, then the next day (Saturday ;3) i threw my mom an awsome kick As* surprise party! she is turning 34 tommarow! yay for her! i texted my buddy, lost my phone and stayed up late falling asleep to Analyze that. <-- Movieeee.
The rest up intill now will be in my Easter Day post, and you can also read about the Kick As* party in my I was the Decoy post. Okey! Byee. X3

Very First Post

Hey guys! Today is the day after Easter, of 2010. And this is offically my first blog post! Horay! I would like to warn you that this blog is crazily insane, will most definitely have spelling mistakes and will most likey be randomly fun! X3 And for those of you who do not know, this --> X3 is like a laughing kitty, this --> :3 smiling kitty, and this --> XD means im laughing or very happy. Just a heads up because some people have no clue what those thingys mean. Anyway, i have to go, dinner is ready, but i will be back! BYEEEE!