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I absolutely love wolves and writing is my life, i am currently learning the guitar and have written my first novel.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I died on thursday! woohoo! X3

Ok I'm back. So let me up date you on everything that has happened in the last couple of days.On thursday, i was walking with the two people i like to hang out with most, and then i ended up being a clutz and falling of my bike. X| yep, i died. But dont worry, i was so annoying they sent me back down and now i am happy to say i am alive again. WOOHOO! X3. well, i walked home the rest of the way with my two buds, who were constantly helping me! :D yay. but the un-happieness wasnt over, when i got home and they left i ended up going to the hospital... for like, oh i dont know...8 HOURS!!! so yeah, i spraned my ankle, nothing big, and left in sucky crutches. :C Then the next day, which was friday for the mentaly stupid, XD, i stayed home from school and was a sucky bed rat. :C boohoo for me, anyway, then the next day (Saturday ;3) i threw my mom an awsome kick As* surprise party! she is turning 34 tommarow! yay for her! i texted my buddy, lost my phone and stayed up late falling asleep to Analyze that. <-- Movieeee.
The rest up intill now will be in my Easter Day post, and you can also read about the Kick As* party in my I was the Decoy post. Okey! Byee. X3

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